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Does the same various actions on each step but with some different settings.
Does various actions on each step.
$(document).ready(function() { $('.demo2.right').kycoPreload({ showInContainer: true, useOpacity: true, animateDuration: 1000, fadeOutDuration: 2000, showImagesBeforeComplete: false, afterEach: function() { console.log('.demo2.right: nothing special happening here...'); }, beforeComplete: function() { console.log('.demo2.right: image elements have been preloaded, but lets not show them until we fade out'); }, onComplete: function() { console.log('.demo2.right: all done, show images'); } }); });
$(document).ready(function() { $('.demo2.left').kycoPreload({ showInContainer: true, useOpacity: true, animateDuration: 1000, fadeOutDuration: 2000, showImagesBeforeComplete: true, afterEach: function() { var timestamp = new Date(); var hours = timestamp.getHours(); var minutes = timestamp.getMinutes(); var seconds = timestamp.getSeconds(); var milliseconds = timestamp.getMilliseconds(); while ((hours + '').length < 2) { hours = '0' + hours; } while ((minutes + '').length < 2) { minutes = '0' + minutes; } while ((seconds + '').length < 2) { seconds = '0' + seconds; } while ((milliseconds + '').length < 3) { milliseconds = '0' + milliseconds; } console.log('.demo2.left: ' + hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds + '.' + milliseconds, this); }, beforeComplete: function() { console.log('.demo2.left: images preloaded'); }, onComplete: function() { console.log('.demo2.left: cool beans!'); } }); });